UPPC Pushes For A Greener Future

United Pulp and Paper Co.Inc (UPPC) in SCG was recently awarded the Green Choice Seal by Green Choice Philippines' National Ecolabelling Programme.
As a manufacturer of quality and cost-effecient industrial paper from 100% recycled paper, UPPC in SCG had its Container Boards underwent a standard environmental assessment which took two months.
At present, there are only 15 Philippine-made products which received the same recognition of having primarily a 100 percent utilization of recycled paprer and technologically advanced effluent treatment plant.

The environmental assessment included a check on the company's compliance on all Philippine environmental laws in addition to industry environmental leadership. At least 80% of product should also be made of recyclable materials and at least 25% is post consumer.
In the recent forum for business associates entitled ECO2 2010: a Green Outlook, UPPC President and CEO Montri Mahaplerkpong encouraged other industry players to participate in this advocacy and do their share for a greener future. Although turning real 'green' might seem initially costly, actual cost including environemental impact is costlier. He added that with enough volume, financial cost eventually goes down.
Check out websites uppc.com.ph and pdepsdi.org.ph for more information.
He also emphasized on sustainable development, with thrust from product-centric to people-centric with focus on people, economy, and the environment.


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