Last night was no ordinary night. Specifically at 8:30 to 9:30pm, it was the Earth Hour. And the Philippines is a participant in this green global advocacy.

Together with some friends, we were at the 13th anniversary celebration of Seven Suites Hotel in Antipolo where among other things, minimized electricity consumption during Earth Hour.

The highlight of the night was the stargazing activity on the roof deck hotel observatory. We saw the moon and Saturn.

Small as it may be, it was satisfying to look at the actual one in contrast to textbook pictures. I say it was cool. We had a better view of the moon though, obviously because it's nearer to earth. :)

The roof deck also revealed more than just about Seven Suites, we also had a good estimate of how much the nearby communities participated in the Earth Hour by at least turning off their light bulbs.

Seven Suites Hotel
was on high ground and a good spot providing a good view of neighboring communities. And during Earth Hour, there was only a slight decrease of open lights in the horizon.

I hope the other places in Metro Manila, or the Philippines for that matter, did better at participating in the Earth Hour. (unverified: I heard the Philippines topped the Earth Hour participation scale similar to last year's).

Seven Suites is located at Hollywood Hills Subd., Sumulong Highway in Anitpolo. The hotel has facilities to handle corporate functions and weddings. With proper management, its good location lends it a good potential in succeeding in its intended market in the area. Contact Seven Suites at tel nos. (632)217-5446 and


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